Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sweat Sweat Sweat

I don't know if I've mentioned this yet but when I run I sweat. A lot. In fact I sweat so much and turn so red that people see me and give me this worried look that says, "Oh no, she's gonna pass out!" It was actually one of the reasons I hated working out at a gym.

Sure, tons of people sweat and get a little pink. But it's always in that cute or sexy way that makes them look better. People get that glow about them, they have rosy cheeks, everyone's feelin' the burn. I, on the other hand, sweat until my hair is completely drenched and I turn a purple-maroon color. I don't know what it is in my genetics, but with the slightest bit of exertion I'm suddenly morphing into a drenched tomato.

I bring up my ridiculous and gross amount of sweat because it had a drastic effect on me this week. (Besides the understood constant embarrassment it causes). About a month ago, I bought an iPod shuffle so that I could run with something that was a little bit lighter than my hefty classic iPod. WHAT A FOOL!

So I'm running with my lovely neon green iPod shuffle and the thing just quits on me! Because. I. Sweat. On. It. Seriously Apple? Now, I'm not about to start dogging on Apple just because this happened, but that's mainly because I'm expecting to go into their store this weekend and demand a new one. And then they will give me a new one. If they DON'T, THEN I will start dogging on them.

Even though this has been a minor - VERY minor - setback, I will move forward! Official training starts October 10 - very soon. Wish me luck as I attempt to juggle a 40 hour work week, freelance work, running AND fundraising. Yikes!

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