Friday, January 29, 2010

Almost can't believe I'm still running

Sorry for the delay in checking in - I've been SLIGHTLY busy...


RUNNING around!

To get us up to speed, I am currently about 7 weeks away from the actual marathon. Each time I think about, my heart skips a beat. Who the heck signed me up for this???

Last week I ran EIGHTEEN MILES with my training group. 18 MILES! We started out in Griffith Park, looped around Glendale and then ventured out into Toluca Lake. I think by about mile 13 my legs were starting to kill me. My body has definitely taken a toll since I started culinary school - getting up at 5am everyday doesn't allow for a well-rested person. PLUS, our 18 mile run started at 6am, as opposed to 8am, so that these longer runs don't completely eat up our day.
We finished our run around 11ish, so that left me with the rest of the day to take the world's longest NAP! Actually, first I came home and fell into the hottest bath I could take. Every joint on me ached - I kinda felt like how my grandma must feel.

Epsom salt baths : delicious.

So - overall, these long runs DON'T get any easier. We have our "recovery" runs that our fairly manageable. For example, since we ran 18 miles last weekend, we're going to run 9 miles this weekend. I think they do that so that our bodies don't just spontaneously combust. I am SOOO looking forward to our 9 miler this weekend. (BTW, definitely NEVER, EVER thought I would say that I was looking forward to a 9 mile run. Ever.)

NEXT UP: 20 MILE RUN!! See you in 2 weeks with sore knees and aching calves!!

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