Monday, October 26, 2009

Get It Girl

Yes, I'm still running. Haven't stopped yet!

We ran 5 miles this weekend with our training group. Have you ever done anything for 5 miles on foot? It's a pretty darn good distance.

Our team finished in about an hour and fifteen minutes, which is right on pace for us. (Our pace group is at about a 15 minutes mile).

Being part of this training program is really exciting and actually fun! There are so many of us running and we're all there to support each other. So if a faster group passes us on the street, we cheer and yell at each other which creates a great sense of camaraderie. And, the coaches that work with us are extremely motivational; they make you feel so special just for showing up.

There's something almost unusual about meeting so many nice people all in one place. No weirdos, no flakes, no negativity - because we're fundraising for the benefit of other people. So naturally you're gonna get people who are smart, motivated and, overall, good-natured.

I feel honored to be a part of something that is bigger than me, I feel like I'm really putting my fingerprint on the world. When I signed up for the marathon, one of their lines of encouragement was "too see L.A. a totally different way." I get more and more excited when I think about it. This is gonna be huge. And I can't wait to experience it.

Take a look at this video called "Stadium to the Sea" (because our run starts at the Dodger Stadium and finishes in Santa Monica). And if you're gonna criticize that the run is mostly downhill, I don't want to hear it. I can't believe how many people have said, "Y'know that run is mostly downhill." I mean, really? Are we really gonna criticize what altitude someone runs 26 miles at?
Try running 26 miles. Period.
Yes, it's downhill.
I didn't say I was climbing Mt. Whitney, just running a marathon.
But seriously, check out the video.

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