Monday, October 26, 2009


PLEASE join me as I strive to fundraise for my marathon campaign!

I will be having this fundraiser event on Saturday, November 7 at Gary Bric's Ramp, a restaurant in Burbank. The dinner menu will be available from 8pm to 10pm. From 10pm to 2am the bar will stay open and we will have some snacks, some raffles and, hopefully, some dancing! All YOU have to do is show up! Ten percent of the evening's proceeds go to my campaign so this will be the night to shamelessly order 4, 5, 6...oh heck, as many drinks as you want!

Please join me, it's going to be tons of fun all while fundraising for a good cause!

Get it - there's a reason that the word FUN is in FUNdraiser....
I don't know what it is, but I'm sure there's one.
All I know is that I'm looking forward to the event and so should YOU! So be there know the rest.

Get It Girl

Yes, I'm still running. Haven't stopped yet!

We ran 5 miles this weekend with our training group. Have you ever done anything for 5 miles on foot? It's a pretty darn good distance.

Our team finished in about an hour and fifteen minutes, which is right on pace for us. (Our pace group is at about a 15 minutes mile).

Being part of this training program is really exciting and actually fun! There are so many of us running and we're all there to support each other. So if a faster group passes us on the street, we cheer and yell at each other which creates a great sense of camaraderie. And, the coaches that work with us are extremely motivational; they make you feel so special just for showing up.

There's something almost unusual about meeting so many nice people all in one place. No weirdos, no flakes, no negativity - because we're fundraising for the benefit of other people. So naturally you're gonna get people who are smart, motivated and, overall, good-natured.

I feel honored to be a part of something that is bigger than me, I feel like I'm really putting my fingerprint on the world. When I signed up for the marathon, one of their lines of encouragement was "too see L.A. a totally different way." I get more and more excited when I think about it. This is gonna be huge. And I can't wait to experience it.

Take a look at this video called "Stadium to the Sea" (because our run starts at the Dodger Stadium and finishes in Santa Monica). And if you're gonna criticize that the run is mostly downhill, I don't want to hear it. I can't believe how many people have said, "Y'know that run is mostly downhill." I mean, really? Are we really gonna criticize what altitude someone runs 26 miles at?
Try running 26 miles. Period.
Yes, it's downhill.
I didn't say I was climbing Mt. Whitney, just running a marathon.
But seriously, check out the video.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Week One Done!

I survived. Even though I wasn't quite sure that I would. For whatever reason I was really nervous about my first official training run for the marathon. We had to do a simple 3 mile run at our own pace. I have been trying to run at least 3 miles on my own every time I run so I figured this first meet shouldn't be too daunting. But, as with any new and unknown activity, I wasn't quite sure what to expect and ended up dealing with a small bout of social anxiety!

Luckily a former editing teacher of mine from FIDM, Paige, is running the marathon with me. It was nice to know that someone would be there who has done this before and would be a familiar face in the crowd.

The Sunday division of the marathon meets at Griffith Park at 8am. Paige and I timed at about 42 minutes for the 3 miles. And while that might not sound impressive, keep in mind we will be running almost NINE times that amount for the marathon. You can't be huffing and puffing and feeling the burn when you're running for that long. So Paige and I ran a 2:2 ratio of walk:run. Very comfortable and rather pleasant - especially when you're gabbing the entire time! :)

I'm really looking forward to the fundraiser event I have planned. I'll put the official flyer on here as soon as it's done. The mayor of Burbank owns a restaurant and has agreed to help me host a fundraiser night the first weekend of November. (It's a restaurant/bar that myself and friends frequent). They have good food, good drinks and you can count on me for great music, great raffles and an overall great time! So keep Saturday, November 7th open if you want to come and join me! The restaurant is called GARY BRIC'S THE RAMP in Burbank, right by the Burbank airport. Ten percent of the entire night's proceeds will go toward my campaign. Not to mention the raffle money and any other generosities people feel compelled to donate.

I'll let you know how next week's run goes. We are scheduled to run 4 miles. For now I'm trying to run a little over 3 miles each time I run. But that can get tough with a crazy schedule like mine. I'm determined to keep running because I keep envisioning the finish line and the support I'll be giving and getting as I train for this feat!

I have to admit there are days where my legs feel like they're made out of concrete and simply won't move unless I use all of my force. That's why it's handy to run a good distance away from home so that you HAVE to make it back!